The LM™ Mixer is a revolutionary mixing system which, surpasses older mixing technology. The LM™ Mixer creates the highest quality mix with its mixing technology and uniform mixing ability, which utilises vertical linear motion. The LM™ Mixer produces isotropic (uniform) mixing through the combined effect of oscillating velocity and pressure waves.

This motion is created by a controlled up and down movement, which is maintained with a thin donut-shaped-disk driven by a carefully engineered and ruggedly designed Cam-Scotch-Yoke and electric motor operating system.


The LM™ Mixer uses a reciprocating disk, which generates a moving liquid core upwards on each down stroke, and a downwards moving core of liquid on each up stroke. These high-energy cores (macro-eddies), which are continuously produced, dissipate into the liquid and produce a steady bulk circulation in the tank.

The volume of liquid can be several orders greater than the volume swept by the disk drive.


One of the biggest and proven advantages of the LM™ Mixer is low energy consumption and therefore, reduced impact on the environment. The energy used for a given mixing performance (such as an anaerobic digester) is only a fraction of the energy that would have been consumed in conventional mixers.

This is because the LM™ Mixer produces a purely radial/axial circulation, whereas rotary mixers produce rotary fluid motion. The LM™ Mixer is designed to use readily available gear motors with application to specific output speeds and do not require large gear boxes or heavy, balanced drive shafts.

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